Nicholas Heredia
Zinātniskais asistents
Zinātniskais asistents
Eksperimentālās hidrobioloģijas nodaļa
E-pasts: nick.heredia[at]
- Suhareva, N., Aigars, J., Poikāne, R., Heredia, N.A., Tunēns, J., Fedorovska, A., Baraškova, Ļ. (2024) Trophic magnification of Hg, PBDE and PCB in population of European perch with varying feeding ecology in the Baltic Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Vol. 301, article number 108727,
- Heredia, N.A., Gresswell, R.E., Webb, M.A.H., Brenden, T.O., Sanstrom, P.T. (2021) Invasive lake trout reproduction in Yellowstone lake under an active suppression program. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Vol. 150, Pg. 637-650. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10320