Strategic initiative to improve research performance and strengthen cooperation in the field of microplastics pollution research (ImproveMicro)

EEA/Norway Grant project

Strategic initiative to improve research performance and strengthen cooperation in the field of microplastics pollution research (ImproveMicro)

The project aim is to launch a strategic initiative between Iceland, Latvia, Estonia and Finland in order to improve research performance and strengthen cooperation on an emerging pollutant – microplastics. The main outcome of the project will be the involvement of researchers from the project partner countries in the development of a high quality, scientifically sound and competitive project application for further funding for research on microplastic pollution. The following activities will be carried out during the project:

  • A project kick-off meeting for the partners involved to share specific expertise, present available infrastructure, generate ideas and agree on calls for projects to apply for and a fieldwork visit with equipment demonstration;
  • knowledge exchange by organizing regular online meetings;
  • testing microplastic pollution analysis methods;
  • preparation of a joint project proposal that is ready for submission;
  • communication with public, outreach events and posts on social media channels;

The planned outcome is to combine the knowledge of experienced researchers from Latvia, Estonia, Iceland and an expert from Finland to jointly prepare at least one project proposal ready for submission.

Project partners

LIAE is the leading partner of the project and responsible for the implementation of the project. Inta Dimante-Deimantoviča, Senior Researcher at LIAE and manager of the project, is involved in all activities, with a special emphasis on developing a joint project application, organizing meetings and moderating discussions. Research Assistant Marta Barone is involved in all activities and is responsible for project communication activities, testing of microplastic analysis methods, development of joint project application and project administration.

About the project

Contact person: Marta Barone, zinātniskā asistente

E-mail: marta.barone[at]

Project start date: 05.09.2023.

Project end date: 30.04.2024.

Budget: 49981.25 EUR

Finansiers: EEA Grants and Norway Grants – 85% (42484.06 EUR), national co-funding 15%. (7497.19 EUR)

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